510. qm - just the first 10 mio qm for 1,- EUR/qm - than it is 20,- EUR/qm

510. qm - just the first 10 mio qm for 1,- EUR/qm - than it is 20,- EUR/qm

MONETIZATION POTENTIAL: EUR to save our burningpla.net

Here is the plan:


WE sell our burningpla.net to save itself. You will not only buy a virtual qm, you will get many more goodies for your qm!!

This is and will be the biggest great adventure for you and your future!

Basic information: burningpla.net raise more than 1.5 BILLION EUR to save our planet. Governments will never spend so much money to save our planet!

After first 1 Mio. WErriors, we built the technical base. After that we give up to 90% of our profit to save our planet additional to so many different projects which already exist and must pushed faster!

The world has 510. qm of unsurpassed given beautiness. Now it is necessary to preserve our big, beauty planet! BE a WErrior!

First 10 Million WErriors can buy as many best places over the world as they want for 1,- EUR/qm to leave their forever unique custom footprint.

After that it will be 20,- EUR/qm - so if you want to sell, and find a buyer, you can make up to 2.000 %

Whats different?

1,- EUR/1 new planted tree, 66 L clean water
20,- EUR/50 trees, 3.300 L clean water

Why you should buy the best places for 1,- EUR?

You save our planet!

Being one of the first maybe also can be the chance to sell your your best place for up to 20,- EUR - after buying at 1,- EUR

We automate the complete website process with 1.000.000 WErriors


Anyway, this is what you get for 1,- EUR/qm (just now you can buy as many as you want!):

  • 1qm of the world includes the following:
  • 1 new planted tree worldwide through edenprojects.org
  • You give 66 L clean water
  • Later place your message, brand and contact as a popup while swiping over your personal own place
  • Later your place will be sellable
  • Later you can change your content at any time 24/7

This you get additional per order - unique for the first purchase:

  • Get 10% off on the first limited World Saver Awards / burningpla.net magnetic pins or patches - One week before official start - each burningpla.net pin plants 20 trees and gives 66 liters drinkingwater -> learn more of the basic idea
  • Get an 0,08 EUR-Cent voucher for the upcoming burningpla.net etherum crypto currency - like the first bitcoin notation

BE a WErrior with owning a part of your burningpla.net ->

Why it is serious -> link to blogpage each site

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